Pienza nocturnes
Pienza by night
When everything is silent
and beauty
breathe deeply
Facile dire Pienza. Everyone knows her. Diverso suggerire una visita a Pienza di notte, quando è possibile ascoltare il battito di un tempo tardo-gotico che si mischia a quello rinascimentale. The cheerful confusion that animates the town during the day is reduced to silence and in the alleys it is the clean, centuries-old air that blows on the walls of the houses and buildings. An atmosphere of times gone by. It’s like immersing yourself in a past dimension to feel a little smaller, amazed, incredulous. Then, when the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, commissioned by Pope Pius II Piccolomini in 1459 and built by Bernardo Rossellino, appears in its white splendor, it is legitimate to ask whether the soul can be satisfied with the eyes. Maybe not, but for a few moments it actually seems possible. How beautiful.
Bagno Vignoni – Pienza, 15 kilometres